Fleet and District u3a Registered charity no. 1055104
Our website has moved to fleet.u3asite.uk
Speakers on a variety of interesting topics have been arranged for the monthly meetings from September 2023. More details will be shown below as each date approaches.

Monthly meetings are held at The Harlington Centre, Fleet. The Function Room is available for socialising from 10am, and the main event will start at 11am with introductory notices and news, followed by the advertised talk - see details below.
There will be ample time to socialise over coffee (for now, bring your own, see below) and biscuits with other members and find out about their experience with u3a.
There will be a Welcome Desk in the foyer where members of the Meetings Team will be on hand to answer any questions, as also will committee members, who can be identified by their badges. If you would like to know anything about u3a, please do not hesitate to ask.
Non-members are welcome to attend, and we only ask that you sign in at the Welcome Desk, when committee members will be very happy to tell you what our u3a has to offer you.
Leaders of some interest groups may also be present to talk about what their members do and invite you to join them. The Book and Jig Saw swap table will also be there, so please remember to bring an item or two to swap.
As usual, the Visits Team will be at their table outside the Hall, to provide information on our visits and outings, and to take bookings where appropriate.
Please do not attend if you have tested positive, are awaiting the result of a PCR test or have Covid like symptoms.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us.