Fleet and District u3a Registered charity no. 1055104
Tel: 0845 872 3623
How to Join our u3a
Our membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August but most groups do not meet in the holiday season of July and August. Specific groups such as Sailing and Walking do meet in these months however.
Before you join, we recommend you check with the group leader(s) that there are vacancies in the group(s) you are interested in. Many groups operate a waiting list system as the numbers they can manage are limited. Please use our Contact Us form or call our 0845 872 3623 enquiries phone line with your questions about the group in which you are interested. Data Protection prevents us from giving you contact details of the group leader, but we will endeavour to provide the information you need or to ask the group leader to contact you.
If you wish to join online please click here and you will be transferred to our online membership system. Note that this link is for new members only. If you are already a member and wish to renew, please go to the next page in this menu section.
By using the online system you will be linked to the PayPal site, to pay your annual subscription by debit card, credit card or a PayPal account if you have one.
You do NOT need to sign up or register for PayPal if you do not already have an account - you can pay by debit or credit card using the 'guest' facility.
If you do not wish to join online then you can request a paper application form from our Membership Secretary via email memsec@fleetu3a.org.uk.
We look forward to welcoming you to Fleet and District u3a.