Fleet and District u3a Registered charity no. 1055104
Tel: 0845 872 3623
Renew Your membership using Beacon
Using Beacon, you can renew your membership online and pay the current membership fee with a simple and quick transaction using a credit card, debit card or PayPal account. Most of our members do so without experiencing any problems. It means you will not need to complete and return the paper membership form you were sent with your renewal invitation.
You DO NOT need to have or register a PayPal account, when transferred to the Paypal site
to pay your membership fee choose "Pay with Debit or Credit Card". After you have entered your card details and address you should untick the box that says "Save information and create Paypal Account". You should then be able to click on a box that appears that says
"Pay now as Guest".
The Beacon renewal page gives you the opportunity to renew for yourself and a partner and has a pre-ticked box about this. Fleet U3A will be able to claim Gift Aid for both of you, if you are both eligible for Gift Aid, so please untick the box and renew your memberships separately, thereby helping to keep our membership fees low.
Please also tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK taxpayer and eligible for us to claim Gift Aid from HMRC on your subscription.
Note that when you renew on-line, an electronic copy of your Membership Card will automatically accompany your emailed receipt, but we will also send you a printed membership later with your Programme booklet.
If you haven’t registered your email address with Fleet U3A or have changed your registered email address then please contact the Membership Secretary, via email at memsec@fleetU3A.org.uk to update your membership record. You will need your registered email address to access Beacon, and to receive our monthly Newsletter that is sent directly to all members.
Guidance Notes for Beacon Login
Beacon Member's log-in is being simplified for the future so that members will, after an initial set-up, be able to log in with the email address they have registered in Beacon as their username, plus a password of their own choosing.
Most important - click on the link below to watch a video about the changes to Beacon log-in
To reach the correct Fleet U3A Beacon website. Click here or type the following into your web browser http://tinyurl.com/FleetBeacon
A text description of how to log-in to renew your membership.
If you are certain you have already been through the process of creating a password for the Fleet U3A Membership system then you can just go ahead to the correct website following the process above, then log in and renew your membership. Otherwise, read on…
To transition to the new email and password log in, current members and new members first need to login as before (with five pieces of membership information - Membership Number, Forename, Surname, Postcode, Email Address) to create a password. Therefore, on the Beacon log in page ignore the email and password fields and click on the blue 'Register for a Membership Account’.
Enter your 5 pieces of membership information. If you cannot sign in with your 5 pieces of information it will either, be because you are either entering the information incorrectly, or that Beacon does not have the same information as you are typing in, e.g., your Postcode could be incorrectly stored in Beacon.
To enter information please follow the guidelines below:
Membership Number - 4 digits
Forename - (leading Capital)
Surname - (leading Capital)
Postcode - (must be all upper case with only one space between sections)
E-mail - (must be all lower case), (if working on a smartphone e.g., iPad or iPhone they may give you a leading capital which would not be valid, so correct that to lower case)
If you cannot get into Beacon with the 5 pieces of information you believe to be correct then contact Fiona our Membership Secretary via memsec@fleetu3a.org.uk who can supply the 5 pieces of information required, exactly as they appear in Beacon, so you can then login and correct anything.
Enter all your details as above, then once logged in to Beacon, create your password. You will be sent a verification email you must respond to within 1 hour.
Once your password has been created and you have clicked on the link in the verification email, members will use their registered email address (username) and chosen password to log onto Beacon and do their renewal. You do not need a Paypal account to pay, click on the ‘pay by debit/credit card’ and ‘continue as guest’ whenever asked and ignore any messages that try to get you to join PayPal.
If you don’t respond to the verification email within 1 hour, or you forget your chosen password, then click on the blue ‘Forgotten password’ box on the login page, enter your email address and you will be sent a password reset email that you must respond to within one hour, (otherwise you will need to click on ‘Forgotten password’ yet again).
Once you are set up you will only need to enter your email address and chosen password to log into Beacon in future to update your membership details or renew your membership.