Fleet and District u3a Registered charity no. 1055104
Our website has moved to fleet.u3asite.uk
Are you no longer in full-time employment and looking to develop new interests, keep mentally and physically active, extend your social life and, most important, to have fun? If so, Fleet and District u3a offers just what you are looking for. For more information, click on the blue links below or use the menu headings above.
It is so easy to join us - just click on the blue link at the bottom of this page.
What is the u3a?
The u3a is a self-help organisation providing interest groups, recreational and social activities at minimal cost. The intention is that members can share their skills and abilities with others, although there are specialist tutors for some groups.
The u3a represents more than 1,000 local groups throughout the UK. The total membership of all these groups now exceeds 400,000. There are similar groups with similar objects worldwide, although not all are called u3a.
No qualifications are required to join and no qualifications are given. There are no exams! Anyone who is retired or semi-retired can join. The leaders of our groups are usually volunteers who enjoy sharing their interests.
Attendance at our meetings, groups and events is open only to members except where stated otherwise.
How does the Fleet and District u3a work?
Our u3a runs its own affairs in accordance with its Constitution, local members’ wishes and by their voluntary efforts. Courses are stimulating, physically beneficial and/or just good fun. It’s a club for ‘recreation, education and companionship’.
We have a main committee and several sub-committees that help with events, food preparation, programme production and secretarial work. Our groups meet during the day using venues in and around Fleet, with breaks over Christmas, Easter and the summer holidays. The atmosphere is always informal, welcoming and friendly.
Why should I join the Fleet and District u3a?
You will be able attend our talks, participate in the groups that interest you, go on visits and attend any of our additional events.
The rewards of membership are in learning, participation and making new friends. Members are encouraged to participate as learners or teachers/leaders. Each member has access to a full programme listing groups, times, dates, venues and leaders' contact details.
Formed in 1994, we currently have over 1,600 members and more than 100 interest groups. These groups cover such areas as arts and crafts, games, health and fitness, history, languages and social: there really is something for everyone. For details of our group please see our Programme & Groups menu section above.
We are always seeking to increase the number of our groups. Would you like to run a new group reflecting your own interests? If so, we will be pleased to help you get started and provide guidance and assistance to your group.
We have monthly meetings where we are entertained by a guest speaker. Keep an eye on our Diary and Events page for details. . We also normally hold monthly coffee mornings (a great way to get to know more about our u3a), social evenings such as quizzes or skittles, a Christmas lunch and a Spring exhibition. These will resume just as soon as possible.
Is there an age limit?
There is no age limit for membership, but activities are aimed at those no longer in full-time employment who wish to share in our wide range of social, educational, recreational, and creative activities.
How much does it cost?
The current annual membership fee is just £14. Most groups make a small additional charge of £1.00 or £1.50 per meeting (depending on the length of the session) to cover the cost of venue hire, printed matter and other expenses. A higher charge may apply if an external tutor or speaker is used.
How do I keep up-to-date?
Check on this website. Members have full access to the various groups and receive a regular (usually monthly) Newsletter - to read the current and previous editions please click Newsletters.